September 3, 1893

Fahrlander Family
Siegelau, 3 Sept. 1893

Dear Brother and Sister-in-law

Since I finally managed to comply with a wish of yours, I would like to do it with the greatest of joy. The photograph came out fairly well. However, in it are only what can walk. Otherwise the matter would have come out in almost too terrible a way. Well, that is the way it is. If only all are well. You will have waited for it with pain.
Our Mother's sister, Ludwina in the blacksmith shop, died in July too. It was better for her, she could hardly walk at all anymore. There was no way for her to work. That way you will know approximately what things looked like.
As far as this year's crop is concerned, the only bad thing is that there is hardly any fodder. Fruit is excellent. As far as grain goes, the sheaf yields better than one and a half sester (scheffel/bushel) on the average. Fruit from the orchard the same. Every tree is hung full of it. We had terrible heat this August. There is still some hay in good wet meadows, but otherwise nothing in other places. The potato yield is pretty good too. Cattle are rather cheap. What is not immediately taken to the butchery is not purchased at all. I sold sheep at 6 to 9 and 10 marks a head, whereas before they were 17, 18 and 20 marks. Well, that is the way it is now. At other times it will be different.
Dear Brother, now I finally learned to ride the velocipede. The Franz Sepp from the mill, and Vitle each have a wheel, and Franz Joseph, the son of Konrad the tailor, rides to the factory on one of those every day. At first he had an old wheel, and it was on it that I learned how to do it one Sunday morning. In the afternoon I took the one belonging to Franz Sepp of the Mage Mill and rode to Bleibach. Since that time I went to Freiburg once and a few days to Waldkirch, once to the Simonswald, but I can push it only with one foot, I am afraid, which however still works better than walking.* From the Bear Inn to Waldkirch it takes me 20 minutes. Perhaps I will buy my own later.
The owner of the Rebstock Inn in Waldkirch has experienced a misfortune too. He has a bee house on top of the kitchen of the second floor facing the courtyard, and he wanted to take a look at them. He placed a plank on top of the glass roof which he wanted to cross. However, he took a misstep, went over the glass roof and broke through and crashed into the yard, down on to a cement floor and broke both his legs, one twice, and got away with additional smaller injuries. He was taken to Freiburg immediately on the second day where did well otherwise, and he could be taken back to Waldkirch after four weeks, but he still cannot yet walk by himself.
Well, how is Benedict doing? Will he soon be used to life as an American?
There is something else I would have liked to have asked you for a long time. I wonder what your farm looks like. Could you not perhaps draw a little bit of a plan and send it once you have some good time to do it?
Trenkler has not yet married, but it is supposed to take place soon, with Marie Resch.
We do not have a farm hand; had one before again, but since Benedict left it was discovered that he would not do and he was sent away again.
Now I want to conclude, hoping that you will receive all this well, and all of us wish you good health. Kindest regards to all of you, particularly from your brother,

Fr. Anton

Father told me that he will wait awhile with his letter.

* Referring to his stiff foot as a result of accident of July, 1891, described in letter 2nd January, 1892.


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