January 25, 1881

Fahrlander Family
January 25, 1881

Dear Hermann

    Finally the letter longed for so long has arrived, which we had been expecting for such a long time. 
We enjoyed it very much to hear something from you again.  Because of your having remained silent  for so long, we did not know what to think.  Now we are more at ease again.  All of us thank you very much for
 the good wishes which you present to us for the New Year.  In particular we enjoyed your promise very much in which you say, "I will endeavor again and again to be a good son for you and a loyal brother".  May God give you the power and a strong will so that you remember this promise forever.  Well of course I know you do not say these things facetiously.  I put complete trust in you and hope confidently that this trust may be justified.  All of us wish you a Happy New Year, and good health, good fortune in all of your endeavors may be granted to you in abundance; all those dreams that you dreamed once of America may become reality.
But humans should should not expect too much of fortune (luck) alone.  A man should rather apply all his powers, his energy, his talents, combined with righteousness (morals), and thus try to attain happiness,
even if only through struggle.
            We found out from your letter that you are in New York again, but we do not know how you are; whether you are all right, healthy and do not know what you do.  Please be so good as to inform us in your
next letter about these matters which I hope you will not keep us waiting for so long.  On the 11th of January I wrote to Gregor Nopper (Hatter).  You will perhaps receive that letter by now.  When we heard that the Walters in Mulbach had received a letter from Sutterer and we inquired whether anything could be found out from you, after that did not turn out to be the case, I decided to write him and requested of him to hand over the letter to you if at all possible.
             Grandfather thanks you very much for your greeting to him.  He really does not feel all well and has aged considerably since you left here, and his powers are diminished.  All the other members of his family are
well.  Yesterday I was in Volzen in Bleibach in order to get the desired address of John Baptist Volz.  They very much enjoyed to hear about you and expect you to write them soon.  They also send their best regards to you.  The family is well.  They told me of the pranks you and Baptist did at their place, where you pulled the wheelbarrow of the old Glaser onto the stage by means of a rope.*  They are still laughing about it. The teacher's (Santo) son August of Bleibach, your former classmate, has been home since the end of last year.  He was in Karlsruhe as a waiter last summer, fell ill there and came home to recover.  In a
letter which Resch sent his brother we learned that he met you in New York.  In his letter he said that he had not had much time to spend with you but he had taken you to George Schill who had promised him that he
would find work for you.  Of your traveling companion Steirt you have not told us anything yet.  So far as we could learn from his parents he is working in New York too, but is said not to learn much.  That is, if he tells the truth.  Our pastor thanks you for the greeting which you sent him and wishes you well.  He has been officially appointed pastor here since last October.
*Translator Schweder states this could be referring to a small stage in an inn, which was common.

               My brother, Fidel, who is still in Scotland, wrote last December once again too, in which letter he expressed the intention to come back home again next spring.  I answered him and informed him that you had departed for America, and also told him that you took off with his overcoat, for which I apologized to him.
I will enclose his address for you too.  He would certainly like it if you could write him from America.
               Until New Years we had very mild weather here, so much so that there has not been any snow or frost, but since New Years it is pretty cold, however, but still acceptable in comparison with last winter.  We had a good harvest.  Only as far as feed is concerned things are a little slim.  Thank God all of our family are well,  discounting some coughing.  Maryann has red __________* a disease which is rampant here among children; is quite well again, however, and attends school again.
                Late in the year last year the wheel of our mill collapsed, even though you were not the miller, and will be replaced by a new one, not before about March.  In addition to replacing the wheel, two parts will be
replaced by cast iron ones.
               Well now, dear Hermann, I do not know what to tell you.  Stay healthy and happy and receive best regards and congratulations from all members of your family.  Let us ask God to give health and protect you on all your ways.  Please send a letter fairly soon again.  We do not want you to write a lot if you do not have time to do so, but rather will be satisfied with any small message.  Therefore once again our best regards on behalf of all your family, your Father who wishes everything good for you, signs

                                                                             Fr. Anton Fahrlander

John Volz                                           Fidel Fahrlander
55 Tontine St.                                     John M. Arthur
Folkstone                                           Ardrisharg Lochfine
England                                              Scotland

If you think of something of which you do not want all should know, you may include a separate small sheet
for me.

                                                                                         Your Father

*Translator thinks he may refer to red measles.



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