December 31, 1900

Fahrlander Family
 Siegelau 31 December 1900

Dear Hermann!

On the occasion of the eminent change of years which, however, will have occurred by the time you receive this letter, I send your wife and all your dear children, best and most cordial regards. May you always be granted health and happiness, these the highest values of our life, in the coming year, in the fullest measure possible. Through God's omnipotence and goodness, this is my heartiest wish.
I have to report some news to you now. Your neice, the daughter of your late sister Rosa of the Trenkler family, by the name of Victoria, will marry shortly, that is, she will marry George Kaltenbach, the son and heir on the farm property of Konstantin Kaltenbach in Mussbach. The wedding and the wedding meal will probably take place on Tuesday, the 8th of January, 1901, to which occasion I would like to invite all of you if at all possible on behalf of the bride. The wedding meal will be held in the Bear Inn here. On both sides, the brothers and sisters of the parents of the bridegroom and bride will be invited, among whom your family is counted too. The total number of people including wreath girls and children, will probably be over 80. This would appear to be a good marriage for Victoria. The Kaltenbach family are peaceful, industrious people and the farm is one of the better ones in our valley. Your brother is the godfather of the bride and will accompany her into the church.
As I learned from the mother of Wilhelm Peter, the son of Xaver Peter, the health of Wilhelm is a little better again, but still not yet altogether good.* He is said to be terribly homesick and wants to be back home again. His people think that he will arrive here next spring.
I wonder how Benedict is. It would appear that he never writes.
I really do not know any additional important news to report to you. Thank God all of us are well. The family of your brother increased again by a girl since last year. All counted we now have three and a half dozen, but thank God they are all well.** The oldest girl will graduate from school next spring.
This year we had an unusually blessed year for fruit. There were so many apples as never before. The many young fruit trees which I myself planted, were hanging full of fruit in such a manner that not enough supports could be set up. We will probably have produced about 5,000 liters of cider and still have many apples left. There were not many pears, though.
But I want to conclude now. Repeating my best wishes for the new year and my invitations to the wedding. Your father and grandfather sends his best paternal greeting to all of you.

F. Ant. Fahrlander

Many regards from Mother, too.
It would appear that it has become possible now that I might even be a great grandfather.

*The names and relationships were confusing in the translation for anyone who did know the family. It appears that there is Xaver Peter, the father, in Germany, and his son Xaver Peter who came to America and whom Dad contacted in Iowa. But this Xaver changed his name to Pete Better in the U.S. for reasons unknown. Apparently Wilhelm Peter came to the U.S. later.
**Not really this many, in spite of Franz Anton's growing family. This child would have been Emilie, born 28 October, 1900.


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